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I Contest  International

by Children's Authors


cheeky anthology

Reading is good. Writing is better.

This book, this Audacious Anthology, tells us about a present full of future; tells us about the adventure of creation perceived as a vital act without strategies in which childhood, utopia and high literature come together and intertwine forming a delicious and necessary cartography to be able to approach life with faith and hope. This book collects the best texts by writers aged between 8 and 14, from all over the Portuguese-speaking world, who participated in the 1st International Children's and Youth Writers Contest La Atrevida. A competition that finally creates a new horizon of vital, pedagogical and collective renewal and that bets on childhood as a constant reference for moral, aesthetic and literary freedom.


All children are poets. Some know this; others deny acknowledging it. But with this first Anthology Atrevida we intend to demonstrate what is already a cry, an urgent need, a demand and a cry that will continue in the near future with new editions.


Welcome everyone to this first anthology of children's literature itself. Others will certainly come, but this is, and will always be, the first.

Entregas de prêmios I Concurso

Entregas de prêmios I Concurso

Clube Ferroriário de Lisboa, 2013.

Entregas de prêmios I Concurso

Entregas de prêmios I Concurso

Clube Ferroriário de Lisboa, 2013.

Entregas de prêmios I Concurso

Entregas de prêmios I Concurso

Clube Ferroriário de Lisboa, 2013.



Clube Ferroriário de Lisboa, 2013.

Clara Palma

Clara Palma

Vencedora do I Concurso Infanto-Juvenil Internacional La Atrevida.

Clara Palma

Clara Palma

Clube Ferroriário de Lisboa, 2013.

Maria Meijide

Maria Meijide

Artista Plástica e mestre de cerimônias da primeira do Concurso. Clube Ferroriário de Lisboa, 2013.



Clube Ferroriário de Lisboa, 2013.



Clube Ferroriário de Lisboa, 2013.

Vencedores em palco.

Vencedores em palco.

Entrega de Prémios Concurso La Atrevida. Clube Ferroriário de Lisboa, 2013.



Clube Ferroriário de Lisboa, 2013.

Entrega de Prêmios I Concurso

Entrega de Prêmios I Concurso

Maria Meijide, Delmar Golçalves e Javier Betemps.

Delivery of Prizes Contest Audacious.

Official launch of the Anthology Atrevida.


Lisbon Railway Club, 2013

Jury members

Delmar Maia Goncalves


He was born on the 5th of July 1969 in Quelimane, in the Republic of Mozambique.

The author was awarded the Ferreira de Castro Portuguese Youth Literature Prize in poetry, in 2006 with the Africa Today literature award and was distinguished at the 1st Gala of Casa de Moçambique with the Kanimambo prize in 2008. He has participated in international literary festivals.

Luis Maria Marina


He is diplomatic and poet. Born in Cáceres (Spain) on July 15, 1978. Graduated in Law from the University of Extremadura, he worked at the Spanish Embassy in Mexico. He is currently Counselor at the Spanish Embassy in Lisbon.


He has published the poems Lo que los dioses aman (El Tucán de Virginia, Mexico, 2008) and Continuo muda (Regional Editor of Extremadura, Mérida, 2011). His poems have appeared in several magazines in Mexico and Spain (Periódico de Poesía de la UNAM, El Perro, Paraíso, Shandy, Antaria) as well as in anthologies Hacedores de palabras, in homage to José Emilio Pacheco (Fondo Editorial Cantera Verde, Oaxaca , 2009), between this waters. Poetas del Mundo Latino 2009 (Universidad de Nuevo León, 2010), in the Spanish-Cypriot anthology Mañana/Tomorrow (παράκεντρο, 2010) and Magnetic fields. Veinte españoles poets para el siglo XXI (La Outra Libros, Mexico, 2011). He translated the Portuguese poet Alberto de Lacerda. He has collaborated with Clarín, Nueva Literatura magazine, La Jornada Semanal and regularly collaborates with La Otra and the UIC Magazine (Universidad Intercontinental de México).

Maria do Carmo Gregorio


She has a degree in Anthropology and a PhD in Educational Sciences. She was a teacher and director of an elementary school. He currently works in an autonomous consultation body of the Ministry of Education.


He conceived and manages, with João Pimentel, “Fabula Urbis” - a specialized bookstore dedicated to the city of Lisbon.

Ana Horta


Born in Lisbon in 1975, he has been writing poetry for as long as he can remember being a person. He studied Philosophy and Literature at Universidade Nova de Lisboa and Photography and Art History at ArCo. He published his first book of poetry in 2002: Inventa uma voz no rodopio do corpo (poetry and photography), Lisbon, Black Sun editors.


Collaborated in several literary magazines: Revista aguasfurtadas, (literature and visual arts magazine of the university newspaper of Porto), Porto, 2002;  Comparative Literature Journal Textos & Pretextos (No. 4 of 2004); The Bible pin, a selection of texts from the Bible magazine, Lisbon, 2005; Poetic collaboration in the photographic exhibition by Margarida Chambel, Have you kissed death?, Livraria Ler Devagar, Lisbon, March 2007;  Poetic Collaboration in the magazine Bigode, O Silêncio, 2009. He has completed, having been submitted for review, his second book of poetry.

Tiago Gomes


Born in Lisbon in 1971. He has published the art and literature magazine A Biblia for 16 years. He participates in several “spoken-word” groups: On The Road, Agência de Viagens, and others. He was part of the founding of Galeria Zé Dos Bois.


He published, in Portugal and Spain, four books of poetry and an anthology of his complete poetic work.

Antonio Madrid Iglesias


Born in Lisbon in 1981. His restless spirit led him to live in places as diverse as Portugal, Spain, Wales, Poland, Russia.


He currently resides in Romania since 2008, the year in which he founded Libraria Trasto, the first virtual bookstore of literature in Spanish and Portuguese in that country. The bookstore started operating initially as a virtual store and with participation in book fairs in the country, and in 2012 it opened the first store in Bucharest, in addition to collaborating as a book distributor for other stores throughout Romania.


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