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II Contest  International

by Children's Authors


II Audacious Anthology

"The Fatherland is childhood"
Authentic Children's Literature

This book is a miracle, an authentic declaration of intent that is here to stay, to avenge and to claim the place it deserves within Portuguese-speaking letters.


This book comes from all corners of lusophony and addresses the whole world, singing and telling truths that deserve to be read, heard and lived, and from which we all have a lot to learn.


This book is a demonstration of freedom, creativity and imaginative strength with which young authors aged between eight and fourteen from all over Lusophone can contribute to the vigor and health of the Lusophone language.


This book is your book, daring friends, you who are not afraid to enter the forests of the most powerful and free imagination, that of children's authors, who contribute, here, with their pure and emaciated verb to return to literature children and youth the place that has always belonged to them.


Welcome to the new word, to the vanguard of the future, to the daring universe. You will only have to enter these pages to delight in the unprecedented, between sighs of hope and emotion and to be participants in the daring ceremony of childhood!

Prize Giving II Daring Contest.

Official launch of the II Anthology Atrevida.

Noble Hall of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Lisbon, 2014

Marta Baptista do Amaral - Vencedora

Marta Baptista do Amaral - Vencedora

1o Lugar da II Antologia Atrevida!

Vecendores da II Antologia Atrevida

Vecendores da II Antologia Atrevida

Foto oficial todos os antologados. Salão Nobre da Reitoria da Universidade de Lisboa, 2014.

Marta Silva - mestre de cerimônias

Marta Silva - mestre de cerimônias

Salão Nobre da Reitoria da Universidade de Lisboa, 2014.

Grupo de Dança infanto-juvenil

Grupo de Dança infanto-juvenil

Apresentação de peça de dança contemporânea infanto-juvenil inspirada no conto vencedor da I Antologia: "Gotinha medrosa".

Clara Palma - júri

Clara Palma - júri

Salão Nobre da Reitoria da Universidade de Lisboa, 2014.

Entrega do 2º colocado.

Entrega do 2º colocado.

Marta Silva, Fernando Pinto do Amaral e Catarina Fernandes (2a colocada). Salão Nobre da Reitoria da Universidade de Lisboa, 2014.

Marta Silva e Catarina Fernandes

Marta Silva e Catarina Fernandes

Salão Nobre da Reitoria da Universidade de Lisboa, 2014.

Depoimentos Atrevidos!!

Depoimentos Atrevidos!!

Salão Nobre da Reitoria da Universidade de Lisboa, 2014.

Javier se impressiona!

Javier se impressiona!

Salão Nobre da Reitoria da Universidade de Lisboa, 2014.

Depoimentos atrevidos!

Depoimentos atrevidos!

Salão Nobre da Reitoria da Universidade de Lisboa, 2014.



Salão Nobre da Reitoria da Universidade de Lisboa, 2014.

Javier Betemps e Marta Silva

Javier Betemps e Marta Silva

Salão Nobre da Reitoria da Universidade de Lisboa, 2014.

Salão cheio!

Salão cheio!

Salão Nobre da Reitoria da Universidade de Lisboa, 2014.

Equipe Atrevida

Equipe Atrevida

Salão Nobre da Reitoria da Universidade de Lisboa, 2014.

Salão cheio

Salão cheio

Salão Nobre da Reitoria da Universidade de Lisboa, 2014.

Alice Vieira



He was born in 1943 at Av. Almirante Reis, in Lisbon, where he left when he was 15 days old. Since then, he has shared his life in several places – Lapas, Rio de Mouro, Ericeira, Costa Nova, Paris, etc. – but always returns to the place of origin.


Studied as a teacher  and was never a teacher. He never studied as a journalist – and it was his profession all his life. When the children were 10 years old, he published "Rosa, Minha Irmã Rosa" and then decided to enter the adventure of writing books. It's still there.

Fernando Pinto do Amaral



Born in Lisbon, in 1960, he was a child who, to others, perhaps seemed happier than he was. His family was very fond of him – his father, mother and an eight-year older brother who died at the age of twenty in a car accident. This brother was very handsome and rebellious, what today would be called a “bad boy”. The girls adored him and while he went out with his friends, Fernando stayed at home reading and playing, spending long hours in a parallel world, where he freed his imagination. That's how he started writing.


He continues to enjoy reading and writing because he needs to get out of himself, to escape, to invent things and people different from those he meets every day. A blind Argentine writer named Jorge Luis Borges once said: “I write with the seriousness with which a child plays”. Fernando agrees with this sentence, because he feels that writing is a game – a game that makes us laugh and cry and many other things, but always a game, like life itself.

Maragrida Silva



Born in Lisbon, in 1960, he was a child who, to others, perhaps seemed happier than he was. His family was very fond of him – his father, mother and an eight-year older brother who died at the age of twenty in a car accident. This brother was very handsome and rebellious, what today would be called a “bad boy”. The girls adored him and while he went out with his friends, Fernando stayed at home reading and playing, spending long hours in a parallel world, where he freed his imagination. That's how he started writing.


He continues to enjoy reading and writing because he needs to get out of himself, to escape, to invent things and people different from those he meets every day. A blind Argentine writer named Jorge Luis Borges once said: “I write with the seriousness with which a child plays”. Fernando agrees with this sentence, because he feels that writing is a game – a game that makes us laugh and cry and many other things, but always a game, like life itself.




He was supposed to be called Ondjaki, but his parents decided to name him Ndalu. He was born in Luanda in the last century, in the year 1977. He studied at the Aplicación e Ensaios school, but at the strong insistence of his parents. I liked to stretch when I was a kid and still do. He liked the sea and a boat called "Tchindaya".  


One day he suddenly started writing poems and stories. He likes the words "balcony", "airy", "sandal". She has an infinite love for children, poetry and her Grandmother Agnette.

"Del Mar"



In the Indian Ocean they call him “Menino do Mar” because he was born nearby, right next to the Rio dos Bons Sinais, in Quelimane. Yes, “Menino do Mar” and they never gave him any other name than this one. And in it live the Zambezes and the Tagus. There are also those who call him “Mariñeiro”. In the Bay of Biscay they also call it “The Sea” and next to the Tyrrhenian Sea they call it “From the Sea” - curious, he never remembered such a coincidence together. The ancient African legends said that there in the distant seas, far away, there were hideous and deep abysses. Does it have some deep abyss that it has sheltered from time immemorial? You know, as a foreign body, that is trapped in the bowels of distant seas further north, next to the Atlantic and the speech of the Indian Sea, which transports, echoes in the distance, far away, for a long, long time. If he doesn't reach his destination, his little dream boat will arrive, looking for a safe destination.


Delmar Maia Gonçalves was born on the 5th of July 1969 in Quelimane, Zambézia Province, in the Republic of Mozambique.

Clara Palma



A native of Grande António Ramos Rosa for twelve years now, Clara Palma is the author of “Gotinha Medrosa”, the winning text of the 1st International Children's and Youth Writers Competition La Atrevida,  that amazed the Greeks and Trojans by personifying in a stubborn and convincing drop of water, the fear and doubts of many people.


cheeky author  and an example to follow for the new generations of Portuguese-speaking children's literature, she defines herself as physically normal for her age, not being dark as her name implies, but not being pale either. Cheerful, fun, vain, insightful and diplomatic, she enjoys reading, writing, studying and loves going to school. In her spare time she is a painter, athlete and is learning to play the guitar. He also loves nature and animals - he has a dog, two cats and two fish that he plays with whenever he can.

Isabel Garcez



She has a degree, a master's and almost a doctorate. So enjoy studying. She mainly studies Literature and how Literature makes people happier and smarter. He has the perfect profession because he has been writing books for 17 years and because he believes that books are really important in our lives. On top of that, he works at a fantastic publishing house, Caminho, which has been publishing many books for children and young people for many years.


It belongs to Associação Cultural Prado, which, as the name implies, is an association full of people who like to ruminate on the subjects and things that the whole world around us makes available. He enjoys participating in congresses very much because he loves to hear what others think.

Antonio Carlos Cortez



Born in 1976, in Lisbon. It was created in Benfica, on Calçada do Tojal, a street where, until the early 1990s, memorable football matches were held between Borussia do Monte Lá De Baixo and Cantareira. In the five seasons he played for that team (1984-1989) he was elected second best scorer, behind the mythical Michelangelo that everyone has heard about.


He was also a frequent gazetteer in classes at the Quinta de Marrocos Preparatory School (1987-1990). Sometimes failing, sometimes failing, he still had to listen to The Doors, a band that dictatorially defined his musical taste until today; and read poetry, that of the «Lizard King», passing through Lou Reed until discovering some cursed ones. Baudelaire, above all. One day he fixed these lines: “The waters of this river run murky” and he thought about how words speak to the world. That was the problem. He hung up his boots and dedicated himself to trying to make the classes he teaches a constant encounter with the life of poetry.


Do literary criticism. He is a professor of literature and is deeply convinced that he was a combatant in Vietnam between 1965-1967, where he died to be reincarnated a decade later. Try to be a good Christian. He published seven books of poetry. It rejects a formless literature. He believes in the phrase “terrorism is love”, which is like saying “in the world of terror, only love can fight it”. He is a fan of Roland Barthes, of good wines, good cheeses and good conversations.

Jury members


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