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IV Contest  International

by Children's Authors


Entrega de Prêmios IV Concurso

Entrega de Prêmios IV Concurso

Foto oficial dos autores publicados na IV Antologia Atrevida

Entrega de Prêmios IV Concurso

Entrega de Prêmios IV Concurso

O salão estava cheio!

Entrega de Prêmios IV Concurso

Entrega de Prêmios IV Concurso

Salão cheio!

Entrega de Prêmios IV Concurso

Entrega de Prêmios IV Concurso

Marina Kowarick Zullo - autora vencedora do 3o prêmio desta edição fazendo o seu discurso de agradecimento

Entrega de Prêmios IV Concurso

Entrega de Prêmios IV Concurso

Cauê Feitosa - autor antologado na publicação, fazendo o seu discurso de agradecimento

Entrega de Prêmios IV Concurso

Entrega de Prêmios IV Concurso

Lina Pontes de Moura subindo ao palco para pegar o seu Diploma Atrevido

Entrega de Prêmios IV Concurso

Entrega de Prêmios IV Concurso

Autores sobem ao palco

Entrega de Prêmios IV Concurso

Entrega de Prêmios IV Concurso

Mestre Budião apresentando a Capoeira Beringandão!

Entrega de Prêmios IV Concurso

Entrega de Prêmios IV Concurso

Letícia Pavesi - autora vencedora da III Antologia Atrevida e júri convidada da IV Antologia Atrevida fazendo o discurso na entrega de prêmios

Entrega de Prêmios IV Concurso

Entrega de Prêmios IV Concurso

Mestre Budião e a Capoeira Beringandão

Entrega de Prêmios IV Concurso

Entrega de Prêmios IV Concurso

Rafaela Sampaio Moura Peres, autora Antologada e contente com o seu Diploma Atrevido

Entrega de Prêmios IV Concurso

Entrega de Prêmios IV Concurso

Foto oficial dos autores antologados da IV Antolgia Atrevida

Entrega de Prêmios IV Concurso

Entrega de Prêmios IV Concurso

Apresentação do exército de 2 palhaços, Petri e Tossindo.

Entrega de Prêmios IV Concurso

Entrega de Prêmios IV Concurso

Vídeo-poema " Bomba interior" da poeta e socióloga Raquel Lima, júri da IV Antologia Atrevida

Entrega de Prêmios IV Concurso

Entrega de Prêmios IV Concurso

Javier Betemps idealizador do Projeto Atrevida e membro da equipe da Associação Atrevida

Entrega de Prêmios IV Concurso

Entrega de Prêmios IV Concurso

Vídeo de apresentação da Gala

Delivery of Prizes IV Contest Atrevida.

Official launch of the IV Anthology Atrevida.


István Jancsó Auditorium  gives  Library  Brasiliana Guita and José Mindlin, 2019

IV Audacious Anthology

New voices for a new world

At a time when society as a whole is experiencing profound paradigm shifts, it is always good to look at young people and listen to what they think, feel and... write. There are many times when you need a new look at life and its challenges, and, in this sense,  the freshness, intelligence and clarity of this much-needed look can and should be sought among the new generations, as they are the ones who demand this protagonism.  

And that's exactly what this IV Anthology Atrevida offers and represents: new voices willing to interpret from tradition and avant-garde, from the value to the word and the almost infinite possibilities of the Portuguese language, the world in which they live but also the world where would like to live.


This IV Atrevida Anthology continues the happy path of the previous three and brings to readers, the educational community and society in general these NEW VOICES FOR A NEW WORLD, a celebration of young literature in Portuguese, which invites to practice healthy habit of reading among young people, but also and above all the desire to write, thus contributing to the strengthening of the quality of training of the new generations, who are the joy of the present and the hope of the future.

Pedro Paulo de Sena Madureira



Fundamental editor in the contemporary history of Brazil through the Nova Fronteira publishing house. Among his successes in this field, he launched the poet Adélia Prado and discovered an author in Lya Luft, as well as being careful to recognize Umberto Eco as a novelist (better here than in Italy). Author of two poems: “Devastação” ed. Imago, 1976 and “Rumor of Knives” ed. Companhia das Letras, 1989. A regular speaker at Casa do Saber, Pedro Paulo is in itself a necessary and fascinating world where the art of conversation, knowledge of the world and a vast humanist culture end up making his presence and knowledge an unforgettable celebration of word, rigor and knowledge.

Maria Claudia Baima



Journalist and pedagogue, independent professional in the composition and review of texts mainly educational, authorial, advertising, health and development; defines itself as a pilgrim and lover of life. He has participated as a jury in different literary competitions such as Eco-Futuro. He believes that editing a text is, above all, connecting empathically with the author.

Jury members

Makely Ka


Brazilian poet, singer, guitarist, cultural producer and composer, Makely is a multifaceted artist engaged with the world we live in. Author of two poetry books, “Ego Eccentric - Poemas de Ouvido”, 2003 and “Objeto Livro”, Audio book, 1998, in addition to 4 discs of his own authorship. His curiosity and daring through different expressions and artistic manifestations make him an example for young people when it comes to understanding the world from vitality, respect for differences and the always necessary curiosity.

Hector Angelo



Young writer, plastic artist and illustrator, bold antholog in the III Atrevida Anthology. At just 16 years old, Hector has already achieved international recognition with his works of drawing and literature. Hector is a great example of the saneest sass for new generations of sassy ones. He has participated in different plastic exhibitions in Brazil and around the world, in addition to having already published 4 children's books.

Raquel Lima


Graduated in artistic studies at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Lisbon, she is a doctoral candidate in the Post-Colonization and Global Citizenship Program at the Center for Social Studies at the University of Coimbra. Poet, coordinator and artistic director of Portugal Slam, she has published her poems in several languages and has held performances and workshops around oral poetry at an international level, highlighting the poetry and genre workshops. Raquel is a young and necessary voice that brings visibility and protagonism to the different artistic and social manifestations around themes such as feminism, the epistemologies of the South and Aphrodiaspora in Europe and in the world.

Letícia Pavesi



Born and raised in São Paulo, he is currently trying to balance his studies with a love of writing and the thousands of books on the shelf to read. Your goal is to try to combine your love of history, fiction and social issues in one piece of writing; in order to encourage and welcome people. She was the flamboyant winner of the 3rd International Contest Atrevida with her short story “Sweet Dreams”, chosen unanimously by the jury.


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