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You don't learn by repeating; one learns  creating.


Today we know that universal basic schooling does not guarantee even the daily practice of reading and  writing, nor the taste for both, and this deficit has become the new suffering of all those  who managed to overcome illiteracy: illiteracy, a deceiving reality that serves as an excuse  so that each academic level avoids uncomfortable introspections, criticizing the precedent that students  that they receive “cannot read or write”.

Project description

The Atrevida Project comprises two clearly differentiated phases of action throughout the year, although  not exclusive. Initially, the International Contest of Children and Youth Writers Atrevida will be organized  for authors aged 10 to 14, from all over the world, and an anthology will be published with the  best contest entries. Subsequently, we will focus our activity on the use of the book as a  teaching tool during school


The Atrevida Project proposes the call for the International Contest for Children's Authors, from 10 to 14 years old,  in  Bold Portuguese Language.


As a result of the competition, the edition of the Antologia Atrevida is launched with the best texts from the 4 corners of the world.


Cheeky Anthologies should be  introduced as a didactic tool within classes in various curricular subjects (Literature, Portuguese, Music, Visual Arts, Theater, etc.), thus evidencing their high didactic versatility.


The Daring Anthologies should be part of the bibliographic collection of State, Municipal, School and Community Public Libraries across the country.


The project has already been carried out in 4 previous editions (2012, 2013, 2015 and 2018), resulting in 4 Daring Anthologies, with the participation of thousands of Portuguese-speaking children from all over the world, from Portugal to Macau, Mozambique, Angola and others. communities, in addition to 9 states in Brazil!


Portugal,  Angola,  Mozambique,
Brazil,  Cape Green,  Macao,
Spain,  France,  Switzerland, 
Luxembourg,​  Belgium.


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